Wednesday 9/11/13
Had a blast hanging out with Rob. Eating lunch at Maynard's in Excelcior brought back memories. We traded stories and reminisced. We enjoyed beautiful weather on the shore of lake minnetonka, then headed to the U of M Landscape Arboretum to take in the aesthetics of nature as art. Thanks Rob for a great day.
I played golf with Dad. What a game (golf). I have had a funny relationship with this sport. From obsession to disdain (though rare), it seems I am a golfer for life. Though I don't play often enough to improve significantly, I seem to learn something significant every time I play.
Family golf event. Played with G-Pa, Uncle Scott, Scottie Mac and Dad. What a time! Uncle Scott out played us all and held up the teams against Dad and Grandpa.
Jamie - Beautiful! You are inspiration.
Jeremy - I had a blast as a groomsman. Thanks. Great Party.
You two know how much I appreciate you so enough said there.
It was especially good to see old friends including but not limited to Hilary, Ben, Liz, Ayla...
And one of the highlights of the trip was getting to know my little cousins. I just can't wait to see you all grow up. All signs show you three growing up as awesome, genuine and fun persons.
I'll have to leave a lot out here for the sake of time, but I'd like to add as thoughts come up.
More time with the Stoneburghs. Vikings lost in a heart-breaker to the Bears. Adri and I returned tuxes. Good work Guys, all items accounted for. Adri and I packed for two nights and two days of Climbing on the North Shore of Lake Superior. We are a pretty good team when it comes to trips. With some good food from my parents freezer and a quick stop at Cub foods we were set up again for another adventure.
After driving 4 hours north of the city I said to Adri "these GPS' work pretty well, though I don't trust them yet. I think I'd rather have a map." Within a minute or so the GPS in the rental vehicle led us off the map, showing that we were off route, off road, and offering no assistance to our destination. Odd considering we were on a major road. Anyhow, we back tracked to the nearest gas station and asked for directions.
Upon arrival at camp , Robbie and Erin had set up camp at Tettaguche State Park. They had a fire rolling and had already seen a wolf. I prepared two whole Pheasants and some complimentary legs and breasts with savory spices and onion and butter over the grill. The birds cooked perfectly and would provide us with tasty protein and fat for the next two days.
What a day! What a week! What a celebration!
Post on Monday and Tuesday climbing forthcoming...
After driving 4 hours north of the city I said to Adri "these GPS' work pretty well, though I don't trust them yet. I think I'd rather have a map." Within a minute or so the GPS in the rental vehicle led us off the map, showing that we were off route, off road, and offering no assistance to our destination. Odd considering we were on a major road. Anyhow, we back tracked to the nearest gas station and asked for directions.
Upon arrival at camp , Robbie and Erin had set up camp at Tettaguche State Park. They had a fire rolling and had already seen a wolf. I prepared two whole Pheasants and some complimentary legs and breasts with savory spices and onion and butter over the grill. The birds cooked perfectly and would provide us with tasty protein and fat for the next two days.
What a day! What a week! What a celebration!
Post on Monday and Tuesday climbing forthcoming...